
Woodpecker – its feeding time

Some pictures deserve a bit more attention then just posting them to Instagram or Twitter with a few keywords added. This woodpecker feeding its young is such a picture. We were on a walk on a Klompenpad near Arnhem in the Netherlands when we heard loud bird noises. The noises came from quite nearby and […]

New project: IPv6 only home network

I have a new spare time (yes, I do have some spare time now and then) project: Re-building my home network so it runs IPv6 only. Yes. No legacy IP. Devices only get an IPv6 address. If they want to communicate with a device on the internet which is IPv4 only, a technique called NAT64 […]

1955: When Europe still had borders

This picture shows the border between Austria and Germany going right through a village. On the very left side you can read the name on a sign “Grenzkontrollstelle Grossgmain” (so the picture was taken from the Austrian side). In the middle of the picture you can see a signpost with the emblem of Bavaria (the […]

1973: Christmas Tree – photographed by 7 year old me

In 1973, 7 years old, I got my very first own camera for Christmas. It was a plastic, fixed focus camera, with cassette type films and magnesium one-time flashbulbs from Porst. I guess this is one of the first photos I took. Some details about the photo: The tree is standing in our living room, […]

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